SAE lives diversity and supports the Diversity Charter.

We stand for a corporate culture that is characterized by mutual respect and appreciation. Our aim is to create a working environment that is free from prejudice. All employees should be valued equally – regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or ideology, disability, age, sexual orientation and identity.

Together, we are committed to tolerant collaboration. In this way, we create a climate of acceptance and mutual trust. This has a positive effect on our collaboration, as the diversity of our employees with their different skills and talents opens up opportunities for innovative and creative solutions.

We see diversity as an opportunity and have therefore signed the voluntary commitment to the “Diversity Charter” – an initiative under the patronage of Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who is committed to a prejudice-free working environment.

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Within the framework of this charter, we will:

1. Foster an organizational culture that is characterized by mutual respect and appreciation of each and every individual. We create the conditions for managers and employees to recognize, share and live these values. Managers and supervisors have a special obligation in this regard.

2. Review our HR processes and ensure that they reflect the diverse skills and talents of all employees as well as our performance standards.

3. Recognize the diversity of society within and outside the organization, value its potential and use it to the benefit of the company or institution

4. Make the implementation of the charter the subject of internal and external dialog.

5.Publicly report on our activities and progress in promoting diversity and appreciation on an annual basis.

6. Inform our employees about diversity and involve them in the implementation of the charter.

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